divendres, 28 d’octubre del 2016


Resultado de imagen de imagenes de sister love

Marcia:She is not beautiful. She doesn't meet many men.

Marcia and Karim are sisters. When she meets Howard at chuch and brings him home to meet her family., The sisters frht ead other.
Howard wnes to the hospital.

Ilaked the book because Marcia is not beautiful and Karln is younge and beautiful.


John Escott storted by writing children's books and comic scripts, but now writes and adapts books for students of all ages. He especially enjoys writing crime writers Association.

dimecres, 19 d’octubre del 2016

BASSET,Jennifer:OmegaFile349:London,England.Oxford.StoriesSarReadingCircles.BookwormsClub Brange.Oxford,1992.

Resultado de imagen de omega file 349

Jonny cook: He has a fantastic adventve. He's kidrapped by people of a drug company. He soed this story.

Opinion: I liked the book because it's a fantastic and fir book abrut EDI and Tyler Drug Company.

The Backg round: EDI the European Departament of Intelligence on the Europ. Is the European Government.
CIA is Contral Intelligence Ageny on the Russians. Is the CIA on Govern.

dijous, 5 de maig del 2016

FURR, Marr:BoorwormsClub,Bronze.:oxfor.University Press.Stories for Reading Circles.Oxford,2007 Bassett, Jonniy:Mr Harris and The Night train.

Elena: Mr Brother is horrible ther are dank His husband. Is rich his father was famous in Finland. She is poor and her husband is rich.
OPINION: IS inafantastic adventure. It's abut trains and Mr Harris.

dijous, 17 de març del 2016

DOOLEY Jenny: Beauty and the beast: First published 1996.

It's abort one day the father is going with the horse and located saw hinir in a castle. The beast it's castle, in the castle Blla is in love with the beast and le also lover her. And they dance and get manied.

divendres, 22 de gener del 2016

cuando los gatos se sienten solos

LANDA, M. Cuando los gatos se sienten tan solos ed. Anaya, Madrid, 2004, Sopa de libros.15

un dia cuando Maider estava malalta y el dia siguente se puso buena. y va anar al coleguio y llendo para su casa, se encontro a un gata y se lo llevo a su casa. Sus padres lo aceptaron pero su abuela no lo queria en este piso pequeño, a la gata le pusieron de nombre Ofelia. un dia Ofelia se escapo de casa y volvio y se llevaron a otra casa mas grande y se escapo. Maider le fue a buscar y se perdio.

Maider: era una niña simpatica que acoguio a un gata.
Padre: tenia una tienda de ordenadores.
Madre: queria ser actriz otra vez.
Abuela: era un poquito simpatica poro no queria ningun animal en ese piso.
Ofelia: era una gata trabiesa que se escapaba siempre.

Mi opinion:
No me ha gustado Porqué era un poco aburido.
Se lo recomiendo a mi ermano y a mis abuelos porqué los encantaria.